Tuesday 24 July 2007

The Land of the Queen...

I am in England once more. I come here so often, it feels almost like home. I have 'my family' here, 'my children', 'my car', 'my room', etc.
The kids are great- R&O- 5&7 and they are 'mine' cause I know them almost all their lives. They can make me wish I had stayed at home sometimes, but generally they are very lovable. The Kubica book I got for R. was a huge success, but the flower one for O. was a bit less so. She spent the entire evening drawing funny men for me, but when I was putting her to bed, she said: 'actually, next time can I have a speedy car book like R? Cause flowers are a bit boring...' She made me laugh a lot. It's not easy to a be a younger sister, I know that very well.
My room is quite big, not the sweet pink/cream/brown one I lived in when I first came here. It's the same room, but my tiny telly is no longer here- there is a huge one, DVD, VCR included- but I really preferred the other one... There is internet and laptop on my disposal- so instead of reading a book I surf. And there are stains on the pink carpet, and a huge ugly table- my room was not like that... Still it's lovely to sleep in the huge bed again, to find a gorgeous bouquet of red roses especially picked for me by R, to have a long hot bath and to relax on my own.
I sometimes feel lonely and unhappy here, but on the whole I really like to spend my free time on my own in a peaceful, private room, that is untill a child comes knocking on my door and asking to come and play, and something like that does take place at least every 15 minutes...
And the there is the car- a red Rover, I used to drive a cute silver Hyundai, an automatic, which made my life so much easier, but for the past 3 years the red monster is on my disposal and I do not like it at all. I don't like driving, for one thing, unlike other people, I don't feel safe and happy behind the wheel, I feel potential danger- I could hurt somebody, so I try to be very careful, become very tense... And then parking- I am always terrified that I will hit somebody....
But soon, very soon I am off to Cambridge for the rest of the afternoon- will be able to 'get lost' in the tiny, sweet streets, go into a cafe and have a latte with a view of the adorable old town, I love Cambridge....

1 comment:

Monia said...

Hey as for the driving I feel the same-and that is the reason I don't have a driving licence and am probably not going to have one anytime but I may actually change my mind when I have a car;). I wish I had something useful to do and I am very dissatisfied I haven't tried to find an au pair job this year-I am bored to death now and probably going to be for the followning dwo months;( . If you have some pictures from the graduation party at Ana's please send some Enjoy your holidays