Saturday 31 March 2007

A bee day.

What a busy day! But it's different kind of busy, not the busy writing-studying kind, but the busy cleaning-cooking one. It's a nice change, but exhausting, nonetheless.
Cleaning never was a problem, cooking I don't like so much but manage well, most of the time.
The worst part is still ahead. The cooking and cleaning took place for a reason- it's my mother's Name day and any moment now a bunch of crazy aunts will enter the house- now that's really scary! I can almost hear them: 'Oh, D. how thin you are!', 'Oh, D. when are you getting married?', 'Oh, D. I hope you're not planning to go abroad again, you will stay here with your parents, won't you?'
As I said before: SCARY!
But if I can handle my studies and my 'special' emotional life, I can handle the aunts too.
Wish me luck!

Friday 30 March 2007

Thesis writing

A rough day is gone, a rough night ahead.
I never knew how painful writing my thesis would turn out. Of course, I was not so naive as to think that it would be easy, quick and enjoyable. Nonetheless, I am surprised… And a little bit unnerved...
It’s not the lack of sleep that I find unbearable, it’s the lack of ideas.
How empty can one’s brain be, honestly!
Ghr! It does make me very angry with myself!

Last weekend

Weekends like this one can be truly depressing…
Finally, the real spring has come to Poland. The sun is shining, warming up the fresh-smelling air, the birds are chirping, the cats spread on the grass, delighting in the sun rays, observing the appetizing-looking birds. Humans walk leisurely about the parks and graveyards, thinking happy thoughts. The happy couples in love… actually, lets not go there…
And me? Well, rather cranky, having slept but little, spending another glorious day in front of the computer, writing away on my thesis and assigned essays. Life (is this really life???) is a b(it difficult).
At least it allows me to enjoy the soft and warm caresses of sun rays on my face… Yes, the sunshine is very tempting, seducing almost.

15th March

They are everywhere. They are magical.
Do you also love the smell of freshly cut grass? I adore it! And today, first time this year really, I smelt it. Warm sun was shining in my face and I was delighting in it. Then, before I knew it, there was this smell. ‘Smells like spring’, I thought. But then I realised that the smell could be described more precisely- it was grass. I looked around, and sure enough, there was a gardener working in front of one of the family houses I pass on my way to the tram stop, busy clearing away freshly cut grass. How fortunate, that I should be passing that way, and too, since I was planning to walk towards the other tram stop today!
I then looked around, smiling, and noticed, to my surprise, the great number of spring flowers which have appeared in the past week- truly tremendous!
Next, I remembered that the grass was not the first spring smell for me today. I smelt the radishes I ate for breakfast this morning. They made me think of spring, of the spring two years passed, when I lived in Wilda area and my vegetable-crazy-lawyer flatmate ate tons of radishes- I’d never seen anyone express such fondness for radishes before. Made me long for Wilda, I loved living there, I loved walking around in sunshine, wondering among the many beautiful old buildings- so underappreciated by the local people and the passers-by.
Sells are truly magical- can make you happy, can move you in time and space.

Weekend at last!

I thought this week would never end- it was bad, it was really bad. Work, work, work and all this sunshine and spring outside that I couldn't enjoy...
But I survived, which is the most important thing. And now, having spend 3 hours on a smelly train, I am finally home (in my parents' house, that is) and no longer in the Dark Ages ( no longer without Internet connection).
The weather is good and I am 100 kilometers away from Poznan and all my problems.
I will, thus, try to share with you here some of my writings from the past two weeks, which could not be posted before (for reasons already mentioned).

Wednesday 28 March 2007

We have a problem!

The problem is- I have no Internet, so I cannot post. But I am writing continuously, whenever I need therapy and soon, very soon will post and post and post. Patience!
Life is a beautiful present!!!!

Wednesday 21 March 2007


The spring has come....