Friday, 30 March 2007

15th March

They are everywhere. They are magical.
Do you also love the smell of freshly cut grass? I adore it! And today, first time this year really, I smelt it. Warm sun was shining in my face and I was delighting in it. Then, before I knew it, there was this smell. ‘Smells like spring’, I thought. But then I realised that the smell could be described more precisely- it was grass. I looked around, and sure enough, there was a gardener working in front of one of the family houses I pass on my way to the tram stop, busy clearing away freshly cut grass. How fortunate, that I should be passing that way, and too, since I was planning to walk towards the other tram stop today!
I then looked around, smiling, and noticed, to my surprise, the great number of spring flowers which have appeared in the past week- truly tremendous!
Next, I remembered that the grass was not the first spring smell for me today. I smelt the radishes I ate for breakfast this morning. They made me think of spring, of the spring two years passed, when I lived in Wilda area and my vegetable-crazy-lawyer flatmate ate tons of radishes- I’d never seen anyone express such fondness for radishes before. Made me long for Wilda, I loved living there, I loved walking around in sunshine, wondering among the many beautiful old buildings- so underappreciated by the local people and the passers-by.
Sells are truly magical- can make you happy, can move you in time and space.

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